The objectives of the project are:
- 42 schools with 4,200 children use only returnable cups and dishes.
- The children learn how to reduce waste.
- The children develop their own creative recycling ideas.
- The children gain practical experience in separating different types of waste.
- The children carry what they have learned into their families.
- The schools of the Banda Islands become a role model for other schools in the Moluccas.
- Lighthouse Foundation
- Participate
- Plastic garbage free schools on Banda Islands
Plastic garbage free schools on Banda Islands
With an estimated 0.5-1.3 million tonnes of plastic entering the ocean every year, Indonesia is the world's second largest producer of marine waste. As an island state, Indonesia faces enormous logistical challenges in the collection, treatment and disposal of waste. Successful waste management strategies come from the communities themselves, especially if they are located on small and remote islands.
This is the case on the Banda Islands, a small group of islands in the middle of the Banda Sea. In 2012, a municipal waste management system was set up there, which since then has included more and more villages. Supported by the German foundation BandaSEA e.V., it has since been run by Magafira Ali, the Bandanesian and former English teacher and chairman of the LuminoceanFoundation.
Magafira believes that only a change in lifestyle can permanently reduce the amount of plastic waste in the seas. The students of the Banda Islands are therefore at the centre of this project, because through school every single child of Banda can be reached, i.e. a complete generation of future decision-makers. The children's knowledge will also lead to behavioural changes in their families and hopefully set an example for other communities in Indonesia.
The total cost of the project is 33,150 € for:
- Introductory event at all schools (3 teachers per school): 1.050 €.
- Training of "green mentors" € 2,350
- Mugs, plates, bottles and water dispensers: 9.550 Euro
- Printing of the teaching program for all schools: 300 €.
- Teacher grants for one year: 16.800 €.
- Invitation of other teachers from other communities to the end of the year: €3,100.
We count on your support!
For more information:
Donation account:
Foerde Sparkasse
Lighthouse Foundation
IBAN DE36 2105 0170 1003 9417 52