• The marine museum at the Palk Bay Center

    Palk Bay Center - India

    The involvement of young people in the sustainable development of the coastal region in southern Tamil Nadu is of special concern to Vedharajan Balji.

  • Pilot whale newborn calf
  • Sargasso-Algenblüte

    It's all connected

    Keep the aquifer clean
    Stop de­for­est­a­tion
    Pro­tect the rain­forest
    Pro­tect the ocean

  • Classroom Beach

    Child Aid Papua

    Child Aid Papua High School provides students with a quality education up to the 12th grade.

  • Relocation
  • Climate change in Panama

    Guna Yala, Panama

    The BALU UALA Foundation and several communities in the autonomous region of Guna Yala in Panama have been working together since 2004. Rising sea levels are threatening the existence of the islanders.

Page path:

Situation on Pilot Island

Lotsenhaus frisch gestrichen

The most important work was completed by summer 2024! The incredible force of the Baltic Sea caused major damage on the pilot island in October 2023: drinking water extraction and treatment, wastewater collection and treatment and the heating system were out of order and had to be repaired at considerable technical and financial expense. Restoring the severely damaged coastal defence facilities was a particularly big challenge.

Pilot Island website (in German only)

Themes: Sustainability and Oceans

Our theme is the sea and the human being. And the fur­ther we pro­gress, the more clearly we are com­ing to re­cog­nize the ex­tent of hu­man in­flu­ence on nat­ural pro­cesses in the seas and oceans. Finding new answers on the global ecological crisis is at the heart of the foundation.

Sustainable development demands long-term, holistic-oriented action and is not to be reduced to the sustainable use of maritime resources. The im­port­ant thing is to make it clear that the nat­ural world in its bio­lo­gical and phys­ical phe­nomen­o­logy is of value per se and can­not be re­duced to the isol­ated as­pect of sat­is­fac­tion of hu­man needs. 

Our themes



Pro­jects: Think glo­bal - Act lo­cal


The Lighthouse Foundation supports integrated and long-term approaches in the relationship between humans and the marine environment within the context of sustainable development.

All our projects have something to do with the seas and oceans: they are solution-oriented projects on the ground, an example of the feasibility of sustainable development. They show the linkage between humans and the sea, they also sensitize people in other regions and make a recognizable contribution to maritime awareness.

Our projects from 2000 until today

Foundation for the Seas and Ocean

Earth's oceans are what give our planet its identity - the blue planet, the watery globe. They are the cradle of life, the region with the highest level of biodiversity we know, an irreplaceable source of food, a source and a storage chamber in world-scale chemical and energy cycles, the engine of earth's climate.

The Lighthouse Foundation supports integrated and long-term approaches in the relationship between humans and the marine environment within the context of sustainable development.

More Information

Laterne Leuchtturm Schleimünde

Do more - Par­ti­cip­ate

For the rainforest
For the rainforest
En­larged pro­tec­ted areas
For en­larged pro­tec­ted areas
Reduce eutrophication
Reduce eutrophication
